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The Critical Role Of Soil Animals In Ecosystem Functioning


The Critical Role of Soil Animals in Ecosystem Functioning

Vertebrate and aboveground biota's contribution to ecosystem function

Globally, the contribution of vertebrates and aboveground biota to ecosystem function is well-established. However, the role of soil animals, known as soil fauna, has been comparatively overlooked. Research has now revealed that soil fauna play a crucial role in maintaining soil health and ecosystem productivity.

Soil fauna's impact on soil processes

Soil fauna, including invertebrates such as earthworms, nematodes, and arthropods, critically affect soil processes by feeding on dead organic matter, a process known as detritivory. This feeding supports vital soil functions such as nutrient cycling, decomposition, and soil structure maintenance.

Diversity of soil fauna

Forest soil and litter are inhabited by a diverse community of animals. This diverse community directly and indirectly influences soil processes, affecting plant growth, nutrient availability, and soil erosion control.

